Martijn de Vos


Office BC 164

BC Building (EPFL Campus)

1015 Ecublens


I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Scalable Computing Systems (SACS) Laboratory of EPFL University, focussing on building efficient and scalable machine learning systems. Our lab particularly focusses on distributed machine learning techniques, both within data centers (e.g., LLM inference and training), as well as ML over the Internet (federated and decentralized learning). My research interests include machine learning systems, distributed and decentralized systems, and distributed ledger technology.

Previously: In 2021, I completed my PhD thesis titled Decentralization and Disintermediation in Blockchain-based Marketplaces, under the supervision of Dick Epema and Johan Pouwelse.

I completed my master thesis at Delft University of Technology in 2016. In my master thesis titled Identifying and Managing Technical Debt in Complex Distributed Systems, I improved various aspects of our long-running academic software, named Tribler.

I also have a small company named CodeUp. My primary business activity is the development of mobile application (iOS/Android) and web/email hosting. You can find more information about these activities on the website of CodeUp.

Besides my professional activities, I enjoy travelling, snowboarding, bouldering and reverse engineering software. One of my projects involve the emulation of legacy Apple devices, which software can be found here.

You can find my curriculum vitae here.



Mar 10, 2025 Happy to announce that our lab will be presenting five papers at the EuroMLSys’25 workshop, as part of the EuroSys conference in Rotterdam!
Jan 20, 2025 Our paper Boosting Asynchronous Decentralized Learning with Model Fragmentation has been accepted for publication in the WWW’25 conference.
Jan 15, 2025 I will be one of the co-organizers of the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Infrastructure for Common Good (DICG). This workshop will be held on July 20th 2025, and is co-located with the ICDCS conference. More information about DICG’25 can be found here.
Dec 13, 2024 Our paper Fair Decentralized Learning has been accepted for publication in the SatML’25 conference.
Sep 09, 2024 Our paper QuickDrop: Efficient Federated Unlearning via Synthetic Data Generation has been accepted for publication in the Middleware’24 conference.

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selected publications

  1. FGCS
    TrustChain: A Sybil-resistant Scalable Blockchain
    Pim Otte, Martijn de Vos, and Johan Pouwelse
    Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020
  2. Middleware
    MATCH: A Decentralized Middleware for Fair Matchmaking In Peer-to-Peer Markets
    Martijn de Vos, Georgy Ishmaev, and Johan Pouwelse
    In Proceedings of the 21st International Middleware Conference, 2020
  3. ECRA
    Decentralizing Components of Electronic Markets to Prevent Gatekeeping and Manipulation
    Martijn de Vos, Georgy Ishmaev, and Johan Pouwelse
    Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2022
    Epidemic Learning: Boosting Decentralized Learning with Randomized Communication
    Martijn de Vos, Sadegh Farhadkhani, Rachid Guerraoui, and 3 more authors
    Advances in neural information processing systems, 2023