
Below you can find a list of courses that I assisted in.

Affiliated with EPFL

CS723 - Topics on ML Systems (2023)

I have been coordinator during the Topics on ML Systems course given at EPFL during Spring 2023. During the course, we reviewed and discussed state-of-the-art publications on distributed machine learning systems.

Affiliated with TU Delft

Blockchain Engineering (2022)

For the Blockchain engineering master course at Delft University of Technology, I supervised two groups with ten students in total that worked on atomic swaps and our digital EuroToken. The project progress, meeting notes, and deliverables can be found here and here.

CSE3000 - Bachelor Research Project (2021)

For the CSE3000 master course at Delft University of Technology, I supervised five BSc students that are working on various aspects related to self-sovereign identity. More information can be found on this GitHub issue.

Blockchain Engineering (2021)

For the Blockchain engineering master course at Delft University of Technology, I supervised seven students working on a cross-chain liquidity pool. The project progress, meeting notes, and deliverables can be found here and here.

CSE2000 - Engineering project (2020)

For the CSE3000 master course at Delft University of Technology, I supervised two groups of BSc students. The first group worked on extending support for cryptocurrency wallets as part of our fully decentralized blockchain asset exchange. The second group worked on expanding our ongoing work on a self-replicating botnet.

TI3706 - Bachelor Seminar (2019)

During the TI3706 course at Delft University of Technology, I supervised five students that explored the topic of trusted execution environments (TEEs). The final delivery is a survey article which can be found here.

TI3706 - Bachelor Seminar (2018)

During the TI3706 course at Delft University of Technology, I supervised three students that explored the topic of blockchain scalability. The final delivery is a survey article which can be found here.

Advanced Blockchain Engineering (2018)

For the Advanced Blockchain engineering course at Delft University of Technology, I supervised two groups students working on smart contracts related to cryptocurrency trading.